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Thursday, September 16, 2004

Faint signs of wisdom

... from the US electorate.

I've ranted elsewhere, and at length, that I've never got what the US citizenry see in the schmuck currently in the Oval office. Back in 2000, watching the election from within the country, I found myself thinking that if the race were between that really irritating and asinine 'It's Pat' character from Saturday Night Live (as just one random example) and Dubya, I'd take Pat. Sure, she/he/it's annoying and vapid--almost the definition of grating, annoying, and entirely without merit. But by contrast, the smirking haircut that walks like a man appointed by Scalia and company makes 'Pat' look positively watchable--even statesmanlike... err... stateswomanlike... err... statesthinglike...

Whatever. Getting back to my point. Always thought the Dubya phenomenon had to be a rather brittle one. As in, once people started seeing this guy for what he is, he's gotta collapse, and not all the Machiavellian nastiness even of a Rove should be able to keep him afloat. Crossing all the digits I can that I was right, and the levels of support will eventually move again, and Dubya's support will fall to levels more soberly reflective of the man's merit--

Like about four votes nationwide.