This blog is no longer being updated. I've moved on to The Accidental Weblog. Hope to see you there.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Ogg Ogg Ogg...

Ms. Rox Populi has a meme going ... fire up yer MP3 player or equivalent, put it on random play, and confess to the world where it goes...

I'd like to say about the following that yeah, this is really what the XMMS on my favourite Debian box did when set loose, so no, mentioning 'The Dildo Song' is not just a feeble attempt to make up for the fact that this site hasn't really been doing gratuitious sex toy references much any more.

Anyway, this is what happened:
  1. Kashtin with Robbie Robertson and the Red Road Ensemble -- Akua Tuta
  2. The Neil Pollack Invasion -- Memories Of Times Square (The Dildo Song)
  3. Sarah McLaughlin -- Dear God
  4. Barenaked Ladies -- What a Good Boy
  5. Midnight Oil -- US Forces
  6. The Clash -- Safe European Home
  7. Tom Waits -- Downtown Train
  8. Nirvana -- Heart Shaped Box
  9. Jean Leloup et la Salle Affaire -- Isabelle
  10. The Tragically Hip -- Bring It All Back To Me
For the record, this is from a somewhat meagre collection of .oggs. I don't actually get 'round to putting stuff on disk much; I'm one of those throwbacks who actually still listens to his CDs directly much of the time.