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Monday, May 30, 2005

Things that kinda annoy me

Okay. Said things were gonna be slow. Maybe I lied.

Just recommended to a few friends, thanks to a tip from Holly, an odd little Winnipeg band called The Duhks.

In the course of doing so, found out a few folks had actually burned the tracks of one of my other recent recommendations—specifically, The Silver Hearts—to their various MP3 players. No, they didn't buy a disk. They burned the tracks off the one I lent them.

Great, folks. That's nice. Good to hear you liked them (yet to meet anyone who doesn't), and I hope you're spreading the word. But just so ya know, the Hearts are, despite immense critical acclaim, not exactly living high on the hog, last I heard. They live to play, but they also gotta play to live. Royalties, well, they need those.

So listen, this is how it is, and it's on your conscience: if, honestly, you probably never woulda bought that CD, or don't know yet, and they're just on your drives 'cos you figured you might as well, fine, burn the tracks, and I'll still talk to you...

But if you actually like these guys, and their music, in some way, has actually somewhat enriched your pathetic little lives, and you're just bein' lazy and/or cheap, and don't feel like picking up the phone or dashin' off an email and actually paying for a CD you actually like to listen to, well, look: my grandaddy was a jazz musician (yes, historically one of the most ripped-off groups of artists in the recent history of the world), and I don't think, on principle, I'm gonna be able to be real nice to you from now on, if this is how it is.

So if this is the case, here's the link at CD Baby. Don't make me sic Sue Mingus on you.

And as a general topic, yeah, this has always kinda pissed me off. Listen, you wanna bittorrent the latest bubbleheaded megastar pop diva's hit single 'cos for some sick reason you got an itch and wanna hear it, fine, I won't tell. Odds are the rest of the disk's shite anyway, and the people pushin' that stuff onto the playlists got about as much cred with me as crack dealers. But the Hearts work their hearts out to make disks full of scary beautiful music. So give 'em a quarter so they can buy lunch, fer cryin' out loud. And if yer so hard up you think you can't afford it, let me know. I'll buy you a disk, if that's what it takes.

Thus endeth the rant.