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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

So very full of it

Back in the pseudoscience files, I'd always sorta assumed that Behe, author of the really quite silly Darwin's Black Box was, actually, basically a mostly honest guy.

I know, I know. Silly me. But, really, that was my impression. Looked at the book, thought it was among the more embarrassing collections of mistakes a man could make, but always sorta assumed he made them, after a fashion, mostly in good faith. That's to say: sure, he's already convinced his favouritest deity musta done it all, so he sorta sees what he wants to see, and disregards the rest, to quote Simon and Garfunkel. So if he's dishonest, at the very least, in the fashion of a lotta people who believe things because they want to, any lies would be the relatively subtle ones about emphasis and significance such folk tend to tell themselves.

Turns out, however, I was wrong about that. And he's just as slimy a quote-miner as Gish or Hovind..

I'd go on a short 'well, it ain't like ya could exactly do something like this by accident' rant, but I think the linked piece kinda speaks for itself. You couldn't. And Behe's busted.