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Friday, September 24, 2004

Picking a side

... I'll have the salad, thanks.

... and the mystery novel. You may or may not recall (or care) that I'd given myself a deadline some time ago to get chapter one on another book done by the end of... well... erm... last month.

Anyway. About a month late, I think I've decided which of the three or four reasonably developed ideas currently in my head I most want to pursue. Broadly speaking, it's a mystery novel, one I actually put a few tens of thousands of words together on some years back.

Damn. Y'know, there was a time in my life I actually had some respect for deadlines. That being when I was a reporter, and you eventually got fired and/or beaten if you didn't, mind you. Getting soft in my old age.

Ah well. Hereby resetting the deadline to the end of this month. Stay tuned.