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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Dark fantasies

So, if you could (see the previous post) hack the encryption on Bush's alleged earpiece, cut in on the transmitter, and have your own private line into the shrub's ear during the debate, what would you say to him through it?

I'm currently trying to decide between:
  • Playing The Village People's Macho Man, over and over
  • Neener neener neener neener...
  • Reading the 'pouting sex kitten' scene from Newt Gingrich and William Forstchen's masterpiece 1945
  • Selected excerpts from The Diary of Anais Nin
  • Selected excerpts from 'his' book, A Charge to Keep
  • Doing a 'voice of the schizophrenic demon' 'they're all out to get you, you know' thing
  • Readings from Molly Ivens' Shrub
  • 'George? This is the voice of Gawd!!! And I want you to strip to yer skivvies, and dance around this stage half-nekkid, singing 'The Good Ship Lollipop'. Now!!! I command you!!!
  • 'Okay... You can answer this one: Try "My fellow Americans, my opponent is wrong on terror. Clearly, he just doesn't understand the terrorists. I understand the terrorists. Because I'm a nutty religious zealot willingly detached from the realities of the modern world, much like them."'
  • George, this is your debate support team... Listen, we're giving up on this thing... You always lose even with the wire, so you're on your own now... We're signing off, but before we do, we're just gonna put on a little light music... Okay boys, cue the soundtrack to The Rocky Horror Picture Show...
Well, a guy can dream, can't he?