This blog is no longer being updated. I've moved on to The Accidental Weblog. Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

In one sentence

So I've been lurking around a few YA authors' and agents' blogs now and then, looking for a little insight into the business. Holly Black, one such author, is spreading a meme started amongst others she reads: post one sentence from a current work, something representative or intriguing.

Okay. Guess I'm there.

Now it might be cheating, though only a bit, using this, as this work is currently in the 'done until someone who wants it wants changes' stage, and I'm not really doing any current work on it, apart from occasional bouts in which minor refinements occur to me. But I think I'm going with:
[She] sang a strange, wild lament, her voice surprisingly clear and high, turning the melody into a ragged breath of beauty.
And I'd like brownie points here, insofar as I honestly stuck to the one sentence thing. Had a buncha passages with a few more in them which I liked a bit better.

But hey. There are rules, people.