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Wednesday, November 10, 2004


So the marketing folk at a company I consult for poured me a cup of Kona this morning... had some left over from a promotional drive... ver' tasty.

Yes, that is a caffeine molecule in the background of this page, and yes, I do dig good coffee. Can't claim to be a truly literate connoisseur who can go on and on about a coffee's nose and character, but like a certain school of art fancier, I do know what I like (besides bein' damn capable with an espresso machine, if I do say so myself).

The Kona, I can report, was cool. Though I wish I'd known it was coming. Woulda brought in my french press; we coulda prepared it right.

Got from that onto the subject of Kopi Luwa, which yes, some day, I suppose I'm gonna have to try so I can give a fair opinion. Though honestly, it's not at the top of my list of things to do.

No, it's not that the stuff really is passed through the digestive tract of a civet (yes, a mammal, with, one must presume, the usual urea-style nitrogenous wastes down toward the nether end of the same digestive tract) that puts me off. I'm sure they clean it fairly well. It's that honestly, it sounds suspiciously to me as if the stuff's reputation has more to do with a certain pretension to the exotic, and with the high cost, than with the stuff's actual flavour. I note that the reviewers quoted in the Telegraph seemed less than impressed... Kinda sounds like the yuppie phenomenon again: it's expensive. Ridiculously so. Therefore, it must be good...

Still. I will put it on the list, get around to trying it sometime. I mean hell, I'll try anything once.