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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

On the lighter side

Well, seems to me the least I can do is try to cheer them up a bit. Someone on a board I frequent posted a request that the 20 or so states that voted Blue could join Canada. It's a good offer, as he points out, as a there's a lotta cool stuff in those states.

I responded as follows:
Okay, you make a compelling case. I took the liberty of IM'ing the PM on your behalf. Transcript follows:
AJM> Paul, I've got representatives from the 20 US states that went Dem yesterday on the line--they wish to join Confederation. We'd get everything on the east coast down to the Baltimore Aquarium and the Smithsonian, and everything in the west coast down to... well... Mexico. Shall I accept on Canada's behalf?
PMPM> Hmm. So we'd get California too?
AJM> Yes.
PMPM> The beaches? The surf?
AJM> Yes again.
PMPM> All of Hollywood?
AJM> That's my understanding.
PMPM> Do we have to take Pauly Shore?
AJM> Hold on... I'll check with them...
AJM> Hey Paul, I'm back... While they wish to be flexible, they feel strongly that duly registered citizens of Blue states should be given the opportunity to join them if it is their desire. I've been unable to get in touch with Mr. Shore personally, however. Apparently he's on the set of a film.
PMPM> Pauly Shore is still making films?
AJM> If you use the term 'film' loosely, yes.
PMPM> What about Rob Schneider?
AJM> Hold on...
AJM> Okay. They say if he's a deal breaker, maybe they can just send Mr. Schneider on an errand to New Mexico or something, just before they close the borders.
PMPM> I like the way these people think. I think we can make a deal here.