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Thursday, October 28, 2004

Recommended viewing and reading

Stuck at home today, doing essential (and long overdue) paperwork. Recommended viewing and reading from recent browsing:
  • Bob Harris' Blog. A brother-in-arms and support blogger to Tom Tomorrow, Bob Harris is now doing is own thing, and it's a frequently very funny thing. Easily one of the more entertaining of the lefty bloggers I've been reading of late
  • actually via Harris, The Fifth Estate did a documentary on Cheney a week ago. Their pages on the subject are here, and the video, thought not officially online, can be found here and there.
I've seen the doc, of course. Favourite bit: the Cheney compadre (Woolsey) responding to questions about the rationale for the Iraq invasion with the usual: you bastards who wouldn't help us 'spread 'freedom and democracy' have some nerve hassling us about it...
Interviewer: Can you understand how people in the rest of the world listen now to the rationalizations of the war in Iraq, and given what was said before and what has happened there since and look on it as justification of what is still a bad idea?
Woolsey: Sure, a lot of people are predisposed to think that bringing democracy and the rule of law to the Middle East is a bad idea, because they don't want to have to make a contribution to it, and because I think they want to put their head in the sand and believe that everything will work out fine...
Riiiight, dearie. Those who said 'Hey stupid! Dooooon't goooooo! Baaaaad outcome'... they're the ones who've got their heads in the sand. As opposed to the 'Democracy is on the march!' yutzes in the executive branch, and, of course, your charming self, who has apparently concluded that 'democracy and the rule of law' look like this and this.

Yeah, baby. Sure we got our heads in the sand. Better 'n you who've got 'em so far up your asses.