This blog is no longer being updated. I've moved on to The Accidental Weblog. Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


For the first time ever, myself and my lovely wife managed to come down with the flu (contracted from our charming daughter) at the same time...

Well, with some lag. I got to start about twelve hours sooner.

I should, I suppose, be grateful that I don't get these things more frequently. But damn, when I do, I really do. A whole day on about a 1/3 of a glass of water, and 1/4 of a glass of apple juice, which was all I dared put down the hatch. 36 hours without a cup of coffee (this is beyond painful, for me).

My love's contracting it was really the greater danger... as she's carrying our second child right about now, a day without fluids coulda been trouble. Fortunately, she seems to have had a little less trouble in this department than did I, and was able to get onto the crackers 'n juice stage of misery after about an eight-hour night of unpleasantness.

There's really nothing quite like having to clean up after someone who's just been sick, when your own stomach is still making threatening gurgling noises, and probably only behaving itself because there's nothing within it to object to.

Fun times, kids, fun times.