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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Missing query

So another of my queries (I'm trying to sell a book... there are other posts on this somewhere way back there) has gone AWOL. When it never showed up, I called the agent, they told me it definitely shoulda been back by now... They have has no records, can't tell me if they ever saw it, but it never came back.

No real mystery here, probably, so much as the vagaries of international reply coupons and the fact that a query with the first 30 pages and synopsis can get kinda substantial postage-wise. Still, it's frustrating. Squeeze in a few minutes, research the agent, write the query, post it, and... nothin... No idea where the damn thing is, or if I'll ever see it again...

(obligatory political reference coming...)

Suppose this musta been how Dubya's National Guard unit felt.