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Friday, October 15, 2004

Electoral fraud as addiction

Stealing elections, is, apparently, habit-forming.

Caught As It Happens this eve, while running an errand, and heard a piece on Sproul & Associates, and a truly fascinating approach to democracy, currently under way in several swing states.

An Oregon librarian recounting the story makes it very clear the fuckers (no apologies -- (i) this site makes no claims to be PG-13 and (ii), yep, that's what they are) were posing as a contractor for America Votes. More here and here.

Their spokestwit's defense is just hilarious. Riiight. All a big misunderstanding, I'm sure...

I mean gee, you could make a note of the multiple witnesses reporting the obvious attempts to disenfranchise anyone voting Democrat, in several different districts...

Or you could just count the dollar signs on the cheques the GOP wrote these folk.

Seriously don't see how anyone could argue these guys even have plausible deniability any more. Honestly. This goes beyond blatant.

Send in the freakin' UN. These guys obviously need electoral monitors. Ain't no bloody way it's gonna meet international norms otherwise. Not with the GOP around.