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Friday, October 15, 2004

Bring 'em in

Re US conscientious objectors and others catching onto the reality that Iraq is rapidly turning into a meat grinder for body and mind, I hereby would like to say to my government, bring 'em in. Anyone with the smarts to get out of that turkey oughtta be welcome here.

And, yeah, as far as international law goes, I'm with this guy:
Canada evaluates refugee claimants based on the Geneva Convention on Refugees. It says there that if a soldier refuses to participate in a war condemned by the international community and deemed illegal by the international community – which I think it has been. This fellow named Kofi Annan said so, and most of the world seems to agree – then being prosecuted for that amounts to persecution on the basis of political opinion. I don't see any way around how we don't stand solid on those grounds. So, based on that, I think that we have very sound cases for a refugee claim.
Again. Bring 'em in. More than enough blood has been spilled here.