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Friday, October 22, 2004

Sure they do, dahlinks...

Heh. Now this is chuckleworthy: the screwup-in-chief's campaign is now running a bit that implies the terrorists want Kerry to win.

Riiiight. Sure they do, dahlinks, sure they do. Of course the Islamists want the Bushies out... I mean, when the yutzes in the West wing squandered the good will of the world toward the US in the wake of the September 11 atrocities by using the attacks as a (bizarrely, transparently ridiculous) pretext for going after a state unrelated to the attacks, damn, that musta hurt their cause terribly. Musta just been terrible for that bunch to have a world once united against them now looking to the US and saying, collectively, 'What the fuck?', and backing outta the whole business... Musta just got their knickers in a dreadful twist, too, to have the Bush administration so utterly alienating the whole of the Moslem world with the Iraq debacle... I mean, how are they gonna get enough militant madrasas organized in time to keep up with demand?

Gotta wonder. What colour, d'ya suppose, is the sky in these wankers' world?