This blog is no longer being updated. I've moved on to The Accidental Weblog. Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Let there be zeitgeist

I figure the following from one Jack commenting at Atrios, following early exit poll numbers showing some very cheering results for the Dems, pretty much says it all:
First we're going to Mercury! Then We're going to Venus! Then We're going to Mars BITCHES!
Then, George, We're going to URANUS! YEARRRRGHHHHHH which I really have nothin' to add. Best of luck to all, beautiful to see those long voting lines. The Kansan in our office is (very politely) saying how nice it is to have his countrymen show the rest of the world how to participate in democracy, for a change, and I just gotta drink a toast to that, too. So to the now probably somewhat damp, tired, and impatient US voter: hang in there. We luvs ya.