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Saturday, January 15, 2005

Goose-stepping lightly on the Earth

I note via Bob Harris' blog that Guantanamo is to be equipped with wind power...

Wow. That's jes' beautiful. Wonderful to see. As Bob so sagely notes, at least the power on the leads attached to your gonads will be generated sustainably...

And just think... this could start a trend. If the guys running the concentration camps lead, the rest may follow! We could see folk employing similarily repressive techniques everywhere doing their bit for the planet.

Just imagine... "Yes, we're a death squad. Yes, we come by in the middle of the night with guns, beat up any members of your family dumb enough to get in the way, and then drag you off to be tortured...

"But the dark, anonymous van we drag you away in? It's a hybrid.

"Yep. Gets incredible gas mileage... Yeah, we felt it was important to do the right thing here..."

Or: "Yes, that's right, this is a torture chamber, so you can expect that for the duration of your stay here, we'll be taking a soft cloth, soaking it in water, forcing it down your throat until you're on the verge of suffocating, and then pulling it out so suddenly and violently that your soft tissues bleed...

"But the cloth? It's made with hemp. Biodegradable! And no pesticides were used in growing the crop..."

Or: "Sure, yes, we're a 'counter-insurgency force'. Yes, that means we're a buncha paid thugs brought in to pound the fuck out of a coupla impoverished peasants protesting the lack of minimum wage laws by staging a non-violent sit-in outside the presidential palace...

"But the bats we'll be using to bash in their skulls? All made from from managed forests! Not a one comes from old-growth timber..."

Oh, but I've got a million of them.