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Monday, March 28, 2005

Monday we're-all-a-gonna-die blogging

... I think I've decided my repetitive blog/meme thing is going to be the 'Monday we're-all-a-gonna-die' feature. Sure, it's not as cute as Bob Harris' pudublogging, or Rox Populi's dangerously catchy Friday random ten... But it just seems like more my thing.

And seein' as the Marburg virus outbreak in Angola has now been reported as having spread to the capital (Luanda, a city of 3 million), it's nothing if not timely.

Marburg, for you folk who may not remember your nasty pathogens so well, is a hemorrhagic fever virus and filovirus—see the CDC site. This variant seems to be a fair bit nastier than the one the CDC knows—the fatality rate so far in the current outbreak is at least 90%.

The fact that it's a virus of that particularly nasty stripe in an urban area isn't unprecedented; Ebola's been into settlements of half a million without the officials losing containment. But it is, obviously, I guess, frightening news.