This blog is no longer being updated. I've moved on to The Accidental Weblog. Hope to see you there.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Yes, still kickin'

I'm still around. Jes' a mite tired. Business trips, infants in the house. Showing up at the office, now and then. It all adds up. Been a bit short of time for posting; all apologies.

I have begun a nice, book-length (or so) rant on the corrosive celebration of humiliation that is reality TV; this inspired in part by watching The Truman Show the other evening while getting the littlest one to sleep, and in part by the commercials for various Japanese-influenced 'stunt/game' shows that occasionally flit past in the commercial breaks, and, in part, by the fact that one beautifully lucid verbal explosion from one Chad C. Mulligan of Stand on Zanzibar fame has been echoing on my frontal lobes going on most of a decade now... and the fact that I was pretty damned sleep-deprived the other night when the idea came to me... but it's probably gonna be a few days before it sees the light of blog.

The light of blog. Hmmm. Another one of those odd contradictions, on first glance. See also "the talent of John Tesh". Or "the wisdom of Ann Coulter." Or... wait... wait... I know... "the comic genius of Paulie Shore..."

Find myself agreeing with the folk over at Rox Populi. Blog is an awful noun. So who out there can come up with something snappy--preferably one syllable--that conveys the very spirit of blogville... that mix of the vapid, the wise, the pointless, the shrill, the clever, and the merely truly strange that is this world?

That's right. I want it all in one word. By Wednesday, at the latest. Thankee (tips hat).