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Monday, February 28, 2005

Barking moon poodles

Editor's note: Due to a certain nutbar right-winger's apparent touchiness over the use of the French language in mixed company, the remainder of this column will be written in heavily-accented faux-Franglais. If this confuses you, feel free to take yer 'Freedom-Fry'-stuffed butt elsewhere. If it offends you, and you are, actually, French, my apologies. My only excuse is I was kinda drunk on Mouton Cadet red when I wrote it. Thanks, XOX, &c.

Happened across PZM's bit on le nutbar Horowitz's Barking Moonbat page. Ver' amusant. But it poses to me des questions difficiles. So, what does le Horowitz mean here, by these Barking Moonbats-la? How do les bats bark? En this cas, sur la lune? There is no oxygène there, no? And how do les bats get to la lune? I am not understanding, moi-meme.

Unless, bien-sur, le fou Horowitz means a suggerer by this that these bats-la, ils bark at la lune, mais ils habitent ici, sui la terre. In this cas there is still this probleme--how do these bats bark? I have jamais seen les bats aboient. Not on this world, not on la lune.

Peut-être, he means by this to make la métaphore. Et pour Horowitz, quand les hommes they suggèrent such idées étranges that son president has spoken les mensonges when he speaks that l'Irak a les weapons of mass déstruction, they are as bats, speaking in these voix trops hautes, and he cannot hear them.

Moi, je ne comprends pas. These neocons, ils sont bizarres. Commes les foaming poodles hydrophobiques.