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Thursday, February 17, 2005

Domestic babble/SHA-1

Haven't really been keeping up with world events, I'm afraid, apart from a very light skimming of Nature and a bit of time in the crypto lists. So in the way of most parents with newborns, I've very little to say right about now that doesn't concern either (i) the newborn, or (ii) sleep deprivation.

But there's a twist. That being: the only thing I have to say about sleep deprivation is that, relatively speaking, I'm not suffering this.

The little guy, as it turns out, is pretty much a normal baby. Or even a bit better than normal. Insofar as he actually seems to like to sleep. He slept for four and half hours, yestereve. Which, I have to say, was most welcome.

Our firstborn had one of the classic early idiosyncracies which tends to drive once rational parents past the edge of sanity--she had colic, was pretty grumpy from the beginning--it was a pretty rough passage.

But the bonus is, I guess, it made us relatively hardened parents. Once you've been through that, the usual crying in the middle of the night for a change or feeding is nothing. Ya get up, ya deal with it, ya go back to sleep. If there was enough time in between for a full REM cycle, it's all gravy.

Hell. I could actually describe myself as waking up refreshed (more or less) this morning. I don't usually sleep much more than six hours anyway. Four and a half, you're pretty much there.

Little else new, as I said. Installed a new sink in only a few hours last night, but that's about the little one too (drainage plumbing becomes particularly important where diapers and the associated human waste are involved--old basin was getting creaky enough that merely replacing the annoyingly clog-prone drain turned out to be too much trouble). Impressed with myself that I can pull that off, in a pinch, with that kind of efficiency (only figured out the old sink was pretty much history around seven pm, managed to have it all installed by midnight), but then, I had motivation.

Little else new. Re the (apparently) big news from the crypto world, I expect I'll comment on the SHA-1 thing sometime this week. I can say from what little I've seen it looks a little overblown, from here, but then, I'm not sure all the chips have fallen yet.