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Thursday, June 16, 2005

My kinda woman

My generation, we came from very secular families, and we were absolutely wild. I remember when I was like ten or eleven we just locked the teacher of religion in the room, and we beat her. We beat her up. I mean, we were thirty kids, and we just wanted to kill her, because all the time she was talking about this veil thing. As soon as we could defy the veil in one way or another, we would do it... They asked the parents to the school, but that was so many of us. It was not just a question of one or two kids, so they couldn't do a lot...I have a problem with authority. I don't think nobody's above me, and I don't believe nobody's under me, and that's probably why I do the job that I do: because I just can't stand working for people who think they're better than me. It's just impossible. All my life I've had a problem with authority—any kind of authority. I had the same problem with the Catholic sisters in Vienna too, which were not very, very different from our 'guardians of the revolution'.

— Iranian graphic novelist Marjane Satrapi, on The Current, this morning