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Monday, August 29, 2005

Home bleak home

In the
Tamarack swamp
course of redecorating my study a week or two back now, I made a few changes to the hanging art. Wasn't so much a matter that the stuff that was there wasn't lovely. But after I'd painted the walls a deep, dark blue, some of what had worked with lesser colours didn't work quite so well any more.

As a for-instance, the lovely little photo to the left—a framed print of which, before the redecorating, hung behind me when I sat at my desk—looked, well, a bit like black on midnight next to the new paint. Little too dark for the overall scheme, which I figure now calls for the bright and zany, art-wise (see, if you're wearing a really, really dark suit, oftentimes, we're talking bright funky tie; it's much the same principle).

This hurts a bit, tho'. Thing is, that's a photo I shot must be most of a decade ago now. Still more than a bit fond of it, and I've always felt bleak is what I do best...

Fun fact: a friend once, in a moment of single malt-induced madness, asked me to shoot his wedding. My portfolio at the time, as you might expect from the sort of work I was doing, and the landscape in which I was doing it, mostly consisted of (i) accident scenes, (ii) house fires, and (iii) land-and-cloudscapes kinda like today's subject.

So I ask him: umm... so you genuinely want your nuptials to look like this?

He declined. Probably wisely.

Anyway, seein' as I've nowhere to hang it any more, I figured I'd post it. So here it is. Click for larger file. 150kB-ish.