The mouthy guy in the hat
Well, I note Il Ratzinger is still on about how secularism is responsible for all the evils in the world... And, apparently, liberalism is a 'totalitarianism'.
Note also the now-standard equating of secularism with nihilism, the 'dictatorship of relativism', et al. Yeah, yeah, keep at it, hat-boy. We got your number.
Ratzinger, dahlink, it's not that the secular world believes nothing. It's that we don't believe what you do. But I'm betting both you and your PR office know this perfectly well.
Putz. Open question to the press: I note this guy gets column inches every coupla days to attack the Enlightenment. Who are you quoting who actually stands up for it?
Jes' asking.
Note also the now-standard equating of secularism with nihilism, the 'dictatorship of relativism', et al. Yeah, yeah, keep at it, hat-boy. We got your number.
Ratzinger, dahlink, it's not that the secular world believes nothing. It's that we don't believe what you do. But I'm betting both you and your PR office know this perfectly well.
Putz. Open question to the press: I note this guy gets column inches every coupla days to attack the Enlightenment. Who are you quoting who actually stands up for it?
Jes' asking.