This blog is no longer being updated. I've moved on to The Accidental Weblog. Hope to see you there.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Prince Edward County

Spent yestereve in a cottage on the shore of Prince Edward County—a sizeable island (though only by virtue of the canal cut across the narrow strip of land joining it to the mainland) on the North shore of Lake Ontario.

The area's unique in Ontario in climate, vegetation, and bird life—not sure if it's all or entirely a very big sandbar piled up in the lake—but it's heavy on the rolling dunes, anyway, hence the odd vegetation. And then, thanks to this, the fact that it's a fair way south, and the fact that it's a good place to stop after crossing Lake Ontario, the bird life tends to be unusual. Found myself wishing I'd brought some field guides—could identify neither the big, pretty compound leaved monstrosity towering over the cottage on one side nor the jay-like bird scampering about in it and its neighbours.

Nice. Wished I coulda stayed longer (as my wife is now doing). Having to work sucks.