This blog is no longer being updated. I've moved on to The Accidental Weblog. Hope to see you there.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

All the lonely people

Browsed around the blogs on these servers a bit. Quite the variety in here.

Try this. Click the 'next blog' button up there, and keep clicking it. Look around. Or click this link. Wander through a forest of memories, dreams, reflections.

My stroll went past a few teens deep in the throes of the "no one understands me" hormone, more than a few actually much less so--a delightful range of creative types--a lotta folk with a lotta photos--some art aficionados, a handful of people with hobbies they seem to feel need to be shared, a lot of girls and young women with sites heavy on pink fonts and candy hearts.

Where do they all come from?