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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

My daughter the road warrior

So my little one and myself have just convinced ourselves we've settled in for the evening when the phone rings. It's my lovely wife, in need of a ride.

The little one, normally fairly charitable for a four year old, isn't into this. She's comfy, there's no talking her into joining me for the short jaunt to pick up her mother, even if it is getting kinda dark (in this burgh, in the winter, it's pretty much always dark), and mommy's kinda tired.

So I come up with an incentive--one of my laptops, powered by a 12V adapter, playing one of her favourite Land Before Time DVDs.

Works marvellously. But it's awfully funny peeking in the rear-view mirror to see my little one sitting in her car seat, a laptop in her lap, gazing intently at the screen, lookin' for all the world like any of the businessfolk at the airport checking their email by wireless. Gotta wonder what anyone in the next lane seein' that must have thought too.

Sigh. My daughter the road warrior. They grow up so fast.