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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Harbinger of doom, special midweek edition

Yeah, I know, I'm breaking my own protocol here. It's Wednesday, but there are apocalypses a-plenty out there...

And this thing's about so much more than merely the end of the world. It's got this whole sweep of human history thing going, from the dawn of the palaeolithic down to the end of last week. A chilling take on cro magnons, neandertals, and a possible stone age genocide... and a truly great speaker: one Ronald Wright—trained as an archaeologist, though more often a novelist, these days.

I'm speaking of the 2004 Massey lectures. They're replaying them on CBC's Ideas this week.

And though you've missed the first and second lecture, by the time you've read this, (i) you can still get the first one via a RealMedia stream at the link above, and (ii) whether or not you're actually in Canada, if you tune your internet audio streaming widget of choice (I use xmms and the Ogg Vorbis stream... sadly, all the rest of the streams seem to be Windows media, which is doable on Linux, but icky) to any of the webcasting CBC stations at 21h00 (station time, so that's 21h00 ET for the Ottawa and Toronto stations) all this week, you can get the remaining instalments.

Quite the perspective, quite enjoyable. Dunno how I missed it the first time.