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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Sexy beasts

Well, it's got arachnid mating behaviour and sex toys. This is so my thing. From Pharyngula's deliciously explicit Spider Kama Sutra:'s also true that spiders are awfully sexy beasts. They are playful and romantic and kinky and enthusiastic and ferocious and savage and exotic, and really know how to have a good time...
Wow. Does that sound like a great date or what?

Sadly, I hear, not many of them are into chordates.

Anyway. From the same post, the sex toy angle. Which, given this blog's mission statement, I am now obligated to pass on:
...the only sex shop proprietress nicknamed after an arthropod that I know, flea of the most excellent weblog One Good Thing, is having a spot of financial difficulty, as I learned on Bitch, Ph.D.. You can help out by browsing their online store, the Honeysuckle Shop, and picking up a few items for your courtship rituals... Take a look. Think like a horny spider...
Whew. And just when I thought I was gonna have to drop the sex toy bit outta my titles for lack of material (and let's face it, that just wouldn't be good for ratings). Thanks PZM.