This blog is no longer being updated. I've moved on to The Accidental Weblog. Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

This should probably be illegal

Due to the weirdness that is my life, and the fact that my circadian rhythms are a little like a rhumba of late, I woke up at four am this morning.

This was good. Got stuff done in the wee hours, prior to la famille waking up. Watered the clover I'm growing to rehabilitate some bare patches in the front lawn (a perennial problem; we have massive maples out there which give the grass some real competition), got some writing done. And am now enjoying an awfully huge 'iced latte' (actually, just espresso in some milk, with ice, much the same as I make at home) from one of the absurdly overpriced coffee places local to the office.

Four demitasses worth of espresso, with milk and ice. This should probably be illegal.