This blog is no longer being updated. I've moved on to The Accidental Weblog. Hope to see you there.

Monday, July 18, 2005

No, not really

Someone just asked, a propos of an earlier post, whether I'm seriously losing my hair and/or wearing a rug.

Answer: no to both, not so much as I've noticed—the 'Herr Pieszc' bit was just an odd bit of randomness—though, I suppose it might well reflect not entirely unreasonable anxieties: my maternal grandfather did eventually go quite bald, and my understanding is male pattern baldness is an autosomal trait, with the gene acting dominant in males, so my odds are probably about one in four I'm carrying his... So far, at any rate, the odd hair's gone a bit grey, is all.

And, for the record, if I do start to lose it, there's no way I'm gluing a dead squirrel up there. Hell, I'd shave it all off, first.

As to what I look like these days, why, just like this.

Oh, okay, no, not really...

No, of course not. That's an old picture.