This blog is no longer being updated. I've moved on to The Accidental Weblog. Hope to see you there.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Delightful blasphemy

Spent a bitta time yestereve setting up a T21 (Thinkpad model I've become quite fond of) grabbed off Ebay for a good price. This is a bit silly, as I might just wind up selling it again before long—gig I bought it for is the one that went south earlier this week—but we'll see, I guess; is other stuff I might be able to use it for. Don't really have a laptop that's all together, right now, otherwise.

Headed over to Digital Blasphemy for the wallpaper—was in the mood for a bit of escapism, after a week of contracts, invoices, other uglier paperwork. And wound up grabbing this to gaze upon while working...

Purty, no? Love this guy's eye for things.