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Sunday, August 22, 2004

But I'm a cheerleader

Woke in the middle of the night, couldn't sleep. Found myself watching But I'm a Cheerleader on Showcase in the wee hours. Cute, bizarre film. Girl's parents decide they're afraid she's a lesbian, freak out, send her to a hilariously over the top 'deprogramming' camp with distinct conservative Christian overtones, where she's to learn, apparently, how to be het. In the course of this, she discovers she does indeed (ahem) prefer the company of women. And the company of one young woman in particular.

Sweet film in its way. Happy ending. I'm a sucker for that stuff. But damn I don't envy gays.

(Obligatory lecherous aside) Well, except for lesbians. But only because they seem to get all the hot chicks... (End obligatory lecherous aside)

Seriously, again. I remember adolescence being hell enough without that additional complication. Yes, now you not only have to figure out this whole damned dating thing... but you have to cope with the reality that actually finding someone you like and who likes you back is going to involve one whole hell of a lot more risk. Make a wrong move, and you might just get disowned and/or seriously pummelled.

Yikes, gang.

Now I could use this as an excuse for one more really broad swipe at all religion. And hey, I could also do a whole essay on the dynamics of alienation, ostracization, fear of the other, and how it's expressed through dominant institutions...

But nah. While it's got its place, this ain't it. And I'd fear that kind of discussion would wind up being too kind to the uptight, narrow little pricks who make it their mission in life to make miserable anyone they meet who won't get with their program. Let me make this clear: just 'cos that's how it often is doesn't make it any more justifiable that you're one of the people making it that way. And let's face it, though religion gives most (and probably almost all) of them their excuse, I'm betting a lot of them could find another, in its absence.

I need a bumper sticker for this cause. Yeah, there's "Mean people suck." But it's so generic. And let's face it, I can't use that sticker. Anyone who knows me could justifiably see it as self-hating.

How 'bout 'Have you smacked a homophobe today?'

Hey. That sings.