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Tuesday, August 17, 2004

F.A. Hayek's 'The road to dim-sum'

(... from the sent mail file... the Dubya bit reflects a comment to the effect that the sitting president of the US has an IQ of roughly four ...)

Speaking of Koyaanisqatsi, I've heard Reggio is gonna be pulling a Deepa Mehta-Hollywood/Bollywood, and doing something lighter after the Qatsi trilogy, but sorta in the same vein -- was gonna call it Hopi-long Cassidy, or something like that...

Damn. I really wrote that, didn't I?

Send help.

Mehta's 1947 Earth, to digress again, to my mind, is a simply great film; one of the few I recommend effusively and at random to total strangers on the street who don't even speak my language. A great film, with some really good sex. Which, I suppose, is redundant... (Was Behind the Green Door a great film? Could Debbie Does the 100th Sequel be anything less? Let's not get too deep, here...) Seriously, Earth: partition, blood, violence, nastiness, persons of varying ethnic backgrounds learning to hate one another passionately for reasons first masked behind, then aggravated and accentuated by nationalist/ethnic abstractions -- nasty observations about humanity -- all the stuff I love almost as much as a six-Martini lunch. Must-see, if you haven't. Mebbe check the double bill with Big Top Pee-Wee, coming soon to a truly weird rep theatre near you.

Regrettably haven't seen anything quite that good in some time (no, not even as good as Big Top Pee-Wee). Did finally see the second (or fifth, or last) Star Wars. Have to say I'm terribly disappointed. Watched the whole damn thing waiting for someone -- anyone -- to say "Send in the clones". Lucas just doesn't know an opportunity when he sees it.

And more sadly still, if he had worked this in, it woulda been the best thing about the experience.

As to Dubya's IQ... okay... mebbe I'm selling him short...

Eight. But that's my final offer. Take it or leave it. Until I see him actually eat a pretzel successfully with no advisors present, that's the best I can do.

I note that the IQ scales with the truly pejorative descriptions are now no longer in use. It's sad, really. You can't even officially call anyone a 'moron' anymore. Or at least, not and have it considered a diagnosis. At most, you can call someone 'profoundly mentally retarded', if you're using the DSM-IV scale, which is something, I guess. But sad, still. I note also that 'dullness' was once on the IQ range scale...

Dear me. My social life is of subnormal intelligence.

This, now that I think about it, isn't so much of a surprise.

(Oh, as to that title, the original message went on to natter about a social event myself and my lovely wife had been invited to, which a number of economists could be expected to attend--I'd suggested I might show with a T-shirt emblazoned with the message "Friedman's a wanker"... but ya probably hadda be there)