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Tuesday, October 05, 2004

More amusing still

... if also rather sick.

So Cheney's taking issue with Edwards' bringing up the issue of the number of US dead--the numbers Cheney feels they should use include, well...

... the Iraqis.

Now, let's get this in context.

The point that Edwards was making was Bushco™ (thanks, I should add, to the fact that most of the rest of the world appreciates they're basically a buncha lying psychotics talking up a particularly bizarrely transparent pretext) failed to garner global support for their actions, or to build up any sort of coalition, and thus the US is bearing the brunt of the casualties and war costs.

So Cheney counters with:

'Not so... We got the Iraqis in on it too'.

Well, Dick (and I use the term advisedly), that was a lovely delivery, and a very nice try, but sorry, no cigar. The Iraqis aren't in on it. They just happen to live there. They didn't join your coalition. They didn't join anything. You brought the war to them. They're the ones living (and dying) in the war you brought them, and you think their deaths should go to credit you and your fellow incompetents for your talent in building the coalition of the coerced?

Man, I shoulda known. After all, your lips were moving, weren't they?