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Sunday, October 03, 2004

Throw the bum out

I find myself nodding in a agreement with the sentiment behind Harooon Siddiqui's piece in the Star today. Honestly, yeah, the fact that a reasonable majority of people have begun again to recognize Bush for the petulant, spoiled, insecure little frat boy he's always been is a good thing, but in the context of the train wreck his administration represents for his nation and much of the civilized world, it still seems a ridiculously feeble response.

Y'ask me, in a sane world, the twisted little demagogue would have been chased from the stage by at once angry and derisive laughter maybe halfway through the proceedings, and a slightly more sympathetic coterie of former supporters woulda checked his addledness into the nearest mental institution, better to address the central question sensible people should be asking themselves given the situation: to wit, is the man a pathological liar, or merely delusional--or perhaps, for that matter, some mildly interesting (from a clinical perspective) combination of both? Honestly, the little twit embarrasses himself and everyone present on live TV with such idiocy as claims that his administration's bloody Iraq debacle is justified because 'they attacked us', and roughly half the country's voters (okay, a little less now, it's true) are still voting for the yutz?

So I find myself nodding in agreement. But then, I'm no strategist. I suppose in a culture in which the delusions and outright deceits of the men in power have trickled so far into the popular consciousness that they aren't quite so obvious as they should be, maybe it's harder than it seems to get that job done.

But honestly. I still can't help but find myself asking, in mystification: What the hell are the citizens of the USA thinking?

He lies to them, plays them for chumps, trades on their fears, plays blatantly manipulative politics with the (quite justified) grief and outrage they were left with in the wake of the carnage of September 11, and they're still even giving this little shit the time of day?

What the hell is that? Have they no goddamned self-respect?

Y'ask me, if they've any sense whatsoever, they'll kick the little twit out, already, and kick him so hard his sorry ass never forgets it.

As I said before, he gets four votes nationwide, it's still four votes too many.