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Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Time to bite the Mehlman


"Ken Mehlman, told the Guardian that Mr. Cheney was saying that 'in a world where 19 people with boxcutters can kill 3,000 Americans in the course of 20 minutes, allowing to remain in power a brutal dictator who defied the world, who had a weapons of mass destruction capability ... [this] wasn't acceptable and wasn't safe".'

-- from the Guardian.

Oh that's clear, dude. Except that:

a) they had no weapons, and

b) they had no substantive links to the terrorists.

... and, for that matter, your segue to Iraq's nonexistent WMDs from Al Qaeda's boxcutters is such a stretch, it's amazing you didn't sprain something.

I'm sorry, but this has just gone too far. This ain't the news. This is the twilight zone.

Why is this fruitcake even getting air time? And how come, when he says shit like this, the reporter interviewing him doesn't just have the crew turn the camera away from him, look into it himself, and say "We're sorry folks... we don't know how this twit got in here, but we'll try to find someone credible to interview on this issue for later... our apologies... moving now to sports..."

Seriously. Enough already. These guys see a camera lense, they see a microphone, their noses start growing. It serves no purpose to report their opinion, when it has absolutely no merit.