This blog is no longer being updated. I've moved on to The Accidental Weblog. Hope to see you there.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Man, but I miss breathing

So I've had the cold from hell for about a week now, and it's only just now seeming to taper off a bit from its peak. Fun stuff: sore throat, sinuses and nasal passages packed so full I'm afraid they might explode or something, congestion that seems to go a significant distance to the bottom of my lungs, and a nasty little spasmodic cough, which, once it gets going, doesn't seem particularly to want to stop. Man, but I miss breathing.

Been a bad season for these around here, for me and many of those around me--wife, daughter, colleagues. Seems like I'll go a week or so healthy, and then start onto the symptoms of the next virus to come around.