This blog is no longer being updated. I've moved on to The Accidental Weblog. Hope to see you there.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Evil virus

... presumably corona or rhino, not filo. Got a nasty cold this week; it's eating seriously into the extra bits of time I usually use for posting et al. Might be quiet around here for a few more days.

So can I put off the Monday harbinger of doom for Friday or something?

Or is that wrong? Is it appropriate to reschedule the end of the world for health reasons? I wouldn't want them to dock me the marks... I've never failed an apocalypse before.

Briefly, in the apocalypse news, I finally finished listening to the 2004 Masseys (Ronald Wright's A Short History of Progress) somewhere mid-last-week. This, also, reflects exhaustion... doesn't normally take me too long to get through stuff like that. Must have listened to the first half of the last two or three lectures several times each, however, falling asleep before getting to the end each time.

And no, that does not reflect on Wright's qualities as a speaker. He'd probably have been rivetting... if I weren't trying to start listening around 1:30 am.

It was, needless to say, a depressing listen, even in the bits where I could sit back a bit and think, damn, what a great speaker. Contemplating the sudden, chaotic collapse of a global, technical civilization of six billion people, it's just not a particularly cheering way to spend the last bit of your evening... or, I guess, any other part of your day.

But more (I hope) on that later... Right now, I guess I gotta go experiment with some more decongestants. Wish me luck.