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Monday, April 04, 2005

Stop the violins

In the 'one more reason I'm probably a really annoying person to live with' category, I've actually really been enjoying working on the violin.

Only learning it (there's a post back there somewhere) because my daughter's taking lessons, and in the Suzuki method, that means one of the parents has to come along for the ride for a while. This, however, has been no hardship. Quite like the instrument.

(Just don't tell a certain former cello teacher of mine. Man had this weird, tribal thing goin' on as regards violins. This would probably make me a defector or something, in his eyes.)

The thing that made it work for me was just getting the instrument set up right. Daughter's teacher advised me to get a chin rest arranged more over the tail piece; made a big difference.

The weird thing: contrary to what you might expect, my practising actually seems to calm our infant son...

But then, mebbe he's just so wrapped up in trying to figure out who's strangling that screaming cat that he forgets, for a while, whatever it was he was complaining about.