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Monday, July 18, 2005


Also from Nature today, a gas giant discovered in a triple star system:
Konacki's planet is in the triple-star system known as HD 188753, which lies about 149 light years from Earth, in the Cygnus constellation. The star at the centre of the system is very much like our own Sun. Its planet, which is at least 14% larger than Jupiter, orbits the star once every 80 hours or so, at a distance of about 8 million kilometres, a twentieth of the distance between Earth and the Sun.
Two more stars, whirling tightly around each other, orbit the central sun at a distance that would put them between Saturn and Uranus in our own Solar System.

The triple sunset that should not exist, Nature news, 13 July 2005

Yeah, the ramifications for current ideas about solar system formation are interesting—but I'm more struck by the thought of what the view must be like. And it looks like someone at Nature feels the same way: follow the link for a movie (though the one playing in my head is much better).