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Sunday, August 29, 2004

Das Boot

(... In which our hero sleeps through portions of one of the best films ever made.)

Wound up watching the movie U-571 a few weeks back--a movie I probably never would have bothered with--long story as to why I did actually see it--and no, I can't say now that I have seen it that I thought it was anything special. In any case, I got to thinking I really should get around to seeing Das Boot--a film I'd often heard cited as one of the best war films--and even just one of the best films of any genre--ever made. I'd never seen it, but then I'm not a big war movie guy.

So I rented it on DVD. But made a bit of a miscalculation. I'd picked up the 'uncut/original' version--and apparently, the original version was a miniseries.

So it's just a few minutes shy of five hours long.

This wouldn't have been such a problem except that I started watching it a little after 10 pm (I have a young daughter; this is pretty much when I get to watch movies, if it's going to be something involving quantities of terror and death deemed inappropriate for three year olds--and in which the terror and death are not periodically interrupted by musical numbers, a la Disney).

Anyway. The parts for which I was actually awake were entirely unforgettable. Great film. I think.