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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Unhealthy obsessions

Realized recently I'm becoming increasingly obsessed by my fiction.

No, it's not an exaggeration. Find myself mulling edits, characters and plotlines quite continually, these days. And this is actually a bit of a problem, given as I've a full-time and not undemanding career, and a wife and two kids, both young enough to be full-time work themselves.

It's probably partly the 'forbidden fruit' syndrome. No time for this, a lot of other obligations, so of course I'm gonna wanna concentrate on the one thing I probably shouldn't be concentrating on nearly so much. Probably, if I were a full-time writer, I'd be obsessing about something else entirely. I'm perverse that way. It's my experience that a lot of people are, true, but I'm beginning to think I might be a more extreme case than most.

Have this idea in my head if I get a certain manuscript which has been hanging on my conscience back to a state where I can get it back into queries, maybe I'll feel enough of a sense of accomplishment I can start caring a bit more about the rest of my life for a while. But I only hope that's true. Honestly don't know.

Really is something a bit narcissistic about this, I know. Ain't like this should be becoming the most important thing in the world. It's only a manuscript, fer cryin' out loud, and there are a lot of those around...

Ah well. Gotta be me, I guess.

The good news: Holly very kindly gave me some pretty useful criticism on a substantial portion of it, and the one structural thing that had been hanging up edits I've now resolved, so, theoretically, at least, it could be done pretty quickly, again.

Who knows. In another week or two, I might even be able to pretend to have a social life again.