This blog is no longer being updated. I've moved on to The Accidental Weblog. Hope to see you there.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Could we give you a copy of Atlas Shrugged to piss on?

... like the Road to Serfdom idea too, mind you. Much more to the point than my 'Friedman's a wanker' t-shirt idea.

New Get Your War On online today. And there was much rejoicing.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Cheating again

Yeah, I suck. Keep saying a certain manuscript's gonna be ready soon. And it never is.

What's worse: I think I'm pushing the excerpt limit. Can't keep sticking stuff in here, and still flog it for publication.

So I gotta cheat again. This totally unrelated work (PDF) from something like a decade ago is all I got around I can conveniently stick in here right now.

But yeah, things are progressing. Really. Good things happening, in painful fits and starts, but frequent ones, at least. And yeah, it's gonna be ready soon. Honest.

Delightful blasphemy

Spent a bitta time yestereve setting up a T21 (Thinkpad model I've become quite fond of) grabbed off Ebay for a good price. This is a bit silly, as I might just wind up selling it again before long—gig I bought it for is the one that went south earlier this week—but we'll see, I guess; is other stuff I might be able to use it for. Don't really have a laptop that's all together, right now, otherwise.

Headed over to Digital Blasphemy for the wallpaper—was in the mood for a bit of escapism, after a week of contracts, invoices, other uglier paperwork. And wound up grabbing this to gaze upon while working...

Purty, no? Love this guy's eye for things.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Still here

... just having a kinda nutty few weeks. Picked up another contract... lost that contract... after doing much running around and tooling up to be ready to satisfy it... Now waiting on some paperwork for another gig... And generally running around again. Semi-employed, now, and doing a lot of waiting, paperwork, shuffling things 'round...

Ah well. Haven't had anything much like a vacation in a very long time anyway. This is sorta like that. Only more stressful.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Gorgeous, cool, clear morning. Breeze pouring through the study window is cold enough that it's ixnay on bare feet again (I'm a sandal guy, much of the summer). You can taste the autumn in the air.

Autumn's really my thing. Ain't built for summer. Always feel mozzy and muddled through heat and humidity; can't keep a real drive at anything going 'til we get somewhere under 19 degrees C.

Morning like this is perfect for conquering the world.