The mad mob in the
Atrios thread commenting on the 'vewy scawy puppies' ad are makin' me laugh. Thought I'd pass it on.
Downloaded the bit, too. Ver' odd.
Is actually some quite lovely forest 'n wolves footage. And while I ain't quite one to dismiss wolves as harmless (my sister lives in a very rural area where there are some around, and they can be pretty rough on dogs, at least), yes, I'm afraid the wolves in the Bush spot are, well...
Kinda cute.
Puppies of mass destruction. Brrr...
Shouldn't read too much into the Crossfire audience's response, but ya know me, I gotta read something into everything. And it is intriguing to me that they actually laughed out loud. Really is starting to look like maybe the 'be scared... terrorists... Boo!' thing isn't workin' so well for BushCo™ anymore.
Call it paranoia fatigue.
And folks, anyone out there thinkin' of voting for these clowns, think this over: this crowd is still gonna be beatin' that drum in four years, if you let them. The inner city schools could be crumbled to dust, the gap between rich and poor could have got to the point where most of the continent's a war zone, broken up by gated community enclaves, and Bushco™'s campaign ads will still be doing the 'beware the scawy puppies...' schtick..
Or hell. Given the chance, they'd probably still be doing it in
forty years. Bin Laden could be long retired, hobbling about the old age home for interenational terrorists, and these yutzes' campaign line will still be 'Be scared... terrorists... Boo!'...
Yeah, logically, someone is gonna take another crack at the US population, sooner or later; you can probably count on it. It is, as I noted in a previous post, something of a given, something that follows from the very layout of the world these last decades. But it doesn't then follow that you want a coupla smarmy demagogues in office who harp on it every six hours to camouflage the fact that they actually have no competence in governance whatsoever, nor responsibility to their actual population... unless, of course, we're talking about the segment of the population with significant holdings in Halliburton...
And considering this crowd's track record on this vastly overemphasized issue of late--this crowd, the bunch who turned 'go slow' to 'no go' in investigating Bin Laden and company--I really don't see what the margin is for the US citizenry in keeping them around to do more damage.
Yep. Beware the scawy puppies, kiddies. Beware the scawy puppies.